Bare-root Trees

Early November until late March is the main tree planting season. The trees are field grown and lifted just before delivery. We stock both native trees such as Oaks, Beech, Birch and also ornamental trees like flowering Cherry, Ornamental Crab and Ornamental Pear.

They are grown either as standard trees with the side branches removed up to 1.8 metres or as feathered trees with the side branches remaining. Feathered trees are more suited for shelter belts or planting in groups while standard trees are good for street planting.

For best results we recommend that for most varieties only sizes up to 10-12cm girth are planted bare root. For larger sizes a root balled tree should be specified.

Following arrival tree roots should be prevented from drying out at all times and should be watered well before planting. Watering is also critical in the first 6 months after planting especially during dry weather. Care should also be taken to secure the tree well with suitable stakes and ties which we can supply on request.

If you are looking for something in particular, please get in touch with us directly and we will do our best to source it for you.


Please note Bare Root Trees are not available during the summer months.

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